Eagle Hill School

Eagle Hill School is an ungraded, individualized program that educates children with language-based learning differences. The ages of our students range from 5-15. Eagle Hill Students also have the option of becoming part of the Five Day Junior Boarding Program.


Grades served: Grades K – 8
Total Enrollment: 266
45 Glenville Road, Greenwich, CT
(203) 622-9240
Head of School: Jim Heus
Director of Enrollment: Jennifer Shirazi

Open House: Various Tuesdays throughout the year. Please visit our website for dates and registration.

Application Deadline: Rolling Admission

“At my old school I didn’t feel like I was ready to learn there, I didn’t feel like it was a good school for me, so I used to rush. But here they help me a lot, I really slow down now because it really helps me. My teachers come up to me every few minutes and ask, “How’s it going? Do you need any help?”

“It’s great here and I absolutely love it. You have to stay really determined when it comes to your school work, because it’s going to get a little challenging for you and your teachers are going to try and bring you up to grade level. But you’re going to learn the correct pace to do your work, have lots of one-on-one time with your teachers, and you have a good amount of time to get your work done.”

“Eagle Hill School was a life saver for our son and our family. From the moment we stepped foot on the amazing EHS campus, we felt hope and optimism. Eagle Hill understood Michael’s learning differences and knew how to teach him. Michael was no longer an outsider. He had moved from “survival mode” to “learning mode”. Staff, teachers, advisors, dorm personnel, sports coaches all knew Michael and how to help him learn, explore, make friends, and try new things.”