The Harvey School

Rigor with Heart

The Harvey School is an independent co- educational boarding and day school located 40 miles north of New York City in Westchester County. The school, founded in 1916, has an average enrollment of 360 in grades 6-12. The curriculum is directed toward a mastery of languages, liberal arts, and sciences. All students pursue programs that emphasize the acquisition of skills in writing, reading, mathematics, the sciences, ancient or modern languages, history and political science, and the fine arts. Our community cultivates the strengths and passions of each student through academic excellence, artistic exploration, athletic achievement, community service, and global understanding.

Grades served: Grades 6 – 12
Total Enrollment: 360
260 Jay Street Katonah, NY
(914) 232-3161
Head of School: William Knauer
Director of Admissions and Financial Aid: Roger Del Pozo

Open House: Saturday, October 22. Please visit our website to register.

Application Deadline: January 15

“The support of the teachers, faculty, and staff helped me grow all-around, and Harvey also gave me the chance to make some good friends whom I still talk with to this day. By diversifying yourself in clubs, classes, and activities at Harvey gives you an array of knowledge and a well-rounded education.”

“With a class of 74 students, I have gotten the chance to get to know each one of my peers individually. American History with Mr. Lazzaro taught my classmates and me teamwork and collaboration through partaking in our very professional play in Play-to-Stage. Now we are all experts on colonialism. Learning history through putting it into play form really brought our class together, giving us great insight into history and also each other’s lives. Ms. Booth (director of college counseling) came into my life so last minute (this was her first year at Harvey) and got a quick read on me, guiding me to apply and get in early to GW. Mr. Farshtey somehow made me like math through his reliable sense of humor in both my freshman and senior years. The rest of the Harvey teachers have helped shape me and dealt with so much this year.”