Winston Preparatory School

Education for the Individual

Winston Preparatory School is a co-ed day school for 4th through 12th grade students with learning differences such as dyslexia, nonverbal learning disabilities, expressive or receptive language disorders, and executive functioning difficulties. Our individualized educational program is based on an in-depth understanding of each student’s learning profile, with explicit skill and content instruction taught in small classes averaging ten students each. Students are placed in class cohorts based on their learning profile, skill level, and social-emotional needs. Importantly, students participate in a daily, one-to-one instructional period, Focus, which serves as the diagnostic and instructional centerpiece of their experience.


Grades served: Grades 4 – 12
Total Enrollment: 130
57 West Rocks Rd, Norwalk CT
(203) 229-0465
Head of School: Beth Sugerman
Director of Admissions: Michelle Rolfe

Open House: Please visit our website for more information.

Application Deadline: Rolling Admissions

“Winston Prep thoroughly addresses all of my daughter’s learning needs with a level of responsiveness and flexibility that has exceeded any expectations. They have challenged her and helped her to rise, face, and succeed with ever-increasing expectations.”

“Four years ago as I looked at the Winston website the first thing I saw was a testimonial by parents saying that they felt they ‘got their child back.’ And I sat and cried, because there was nothing I wanted more. As soon as I spoke with you, and as soon as Caroline and I met you, we knew we were at the right place. Within that first year, I felt we had our daughter back.”

“At my old school they really didn’t know how to teach somebody with my learning style, and it was really difficult to find somebody who could help me. I felt hopeless, and I didn’t know why this was happening. But then I came to Winston and they really embraced and understood me. I’ve overcome a lot of my struggles, and now I’m on my way to college.”