Sacred Heart Greenwich

Sacred Heart Greenwich is an all-girls’ Catholic, independent college-preparatory day school with a co-ed Early Childhood program that offers a rigorous academic program that challenges students to take on a variety of leadership roles on campus and beyond.


Grades served: Early Childhood – Grade 12
Total Enrollment: 620
1177 King Street, Greenwich, CT
(203) 532-3534
Head of School: Michael F. Baber
Director of Admission and Financial Aid: Katie Cullinane

Open House: Thursday, October 20 (Upper School) and Saturday, October 29 (Grades K-12). Please visit our website for more information.

Application Deadline: February 1

“Sacred Heart is a powerful environment for students, teaching them to be critical thinkers and creative problem solvers. The combination of broad intellectual and spiritual horizons found at Sacred Heart will serve as a strong base to build future success.”

“The Lower School laid the foundation for both my educational and personal development, it was an atmosphere that fostered a deep sense of commitment to compassion and growth. Now, a senior, I am prepared to tackle the acadmic and personal growth challenges that come my way. Sacred Heart has taught me that an education is much more than academics: it is about the entire person.”

“As effective educators, it is our job to push the students out of their comfort zones in order to allow them to grow.”